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My Self-Designed Assignments (SDAs)


This month, every EMC'er did a "Person, Place, Thing" assignment in order to tell a story. I chose to do mine in a written format, which you can view below by clicking the button below. You can also read my self-reflection on it in Journal #4 


This month, every EMC'er had to do an SDA, or Self-Designed Assignment. I chose to do a podcast that serves as a brief introduction to my topic, which I also hope creates a solid foundation for this next month of journaling and reading. Please listen to it by clicking the button below! You can also read my self-reflection on it in Journal #6.

EMC 2019-20 October Podcast
00:00 / 02:43

This month, every EMC'er had to do another SDA, or Self-Designed Assignment. I chose to create a "HyperDoc" GoogleSlides Presentation with me narrating each slide. I focused on the Associative Machine function of System 1 and ran an experiment modeled after Kahneman's on 15 fellow GHS students. I then illustrated how we often substitute probability for plausibility. Please check it out by clicking the button below!


This month, every EMC'er had to do an SDA, or Self-Designed Assignment. I chose to write a fake bill about Data Privacy that is justified by the concepts I've learned from Behavioral Economics. This was an attempt at me branching out and applying Behavioral Economics to a new field, in this case, law and public policy. Please check it out by clicking the button below!


This month, every EMC'er had a final due. I chose to record a podcast that applies the concepts I've learned in Behavioral Economics to a drastic event: the COVID-19 pandemic. I also applied some of the public policy skills I learned from my March SDA here. Please check it out by clicking here!




Works Cited:

“CDC Director Says Possible Second Covid-19 Wave Could Be Worse.” CNN, Youtube, 21 Apr. 2020,

Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. Penguin, 2012.

Thaler, Richard H., and Cass R. Sunstein. Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and        

     Happiness: Rev. and Exp. Ed. Penguin, 2009.

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© 2019 by Alan Wang, a student at Guilderland High School 

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