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Behavioral Economics

About the class

E=mc^2 (EMC)

E=mc^2, or EMC, for short, is a unique class where we, the students, are given an opportunity to research our own topics of interest. Being a very self-driven class, we have "coordinators" who guide the thinking process -- unique to every student -- instead of traditional teachers who must fit one mold for an entire class. This course serves to provide more meaning and purpose to our education by providing an outlet for our innate curiosity in topics not traditionally taught in the classroom. 

You can check out the main course website here

This year (2019-20) will be my second year taking EMC, so you can see my previous website here. My new topic this year is a sort-of continuation from last year in terms of its discussion about human behavior. Though I am not yet sure what direction I will take this year, it may be towards Economics, more specifically, Behavioral Economics. The book I will be starting the year off with is Thinking, Fast and Slow written by Nobel Prize in Economics winner Professor Daniel Kahneman. (Perhaps you can see the relation now!)

Some of my Journals
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© 2019 by Alan Wang, a student at Guilderland High School 

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