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This Self-Designed assignment was an Infographic on Moral Psychology

January Midterm 

For this project, every EMC'er was to give a ten-minute presentation about their topic up to this point in the year by using a poster board. 


In my presentation, I used the results from a personal survey I conducted on thirteen students and one teacher, which was closely based upon one done by Dr. Haidt as described in The Righteous Mind. This involved reading a morally ambiguous story (for example, cannibalism) and asking the surveyee if the character had done anything wrong. However, the surveyor would then proceed to play devil's advocate, making one unsure about their initial judgment (i.e "of course it's wrong!"). After this discussion, the surveyee would fill out a questionnaire based upon the Likert scale. 


Please click the icons on the right to see my poster board and the story/accompanying questionnaire, respectively! 


This Self-Designed Assignment was based upon the premise of a "Person, Place, and Thing" thought experiment, which I chose to be my mom, my basement, and my violin. In it, I described how prevalent The Rider and the Elephant are in our everyday exchanges. 


The format I chose to tell this story was a podcast, which I also submitted to a student podcast contest in The New York Times.


Please check out my podcast titled "The Elephant Upstairs" to the left!


In this month's Self Designed Assignment, I created my own pseudo-theory of sorts which I call the "Theory of 21st Century Validation." In this theory, I used what I had learned in The Righteous Mind and extended it to social media. 


I then wrote a 450-word editorial and submitted it to a student editorial contest again hosted by The New York Times.


Please check out my editorial titled "Social Media is Molding Our Moralities, and We Don't Know What's Coming" on the right!

June Symposium

For this class's "final" of sorts, every EMC'er was to create a 10-minute speech that culminated his/her experiences for the year. 


In the video to the left, my speech starts at around the 1:14:13 mark. But feel free to check out everyone else's too!


Hopefully, you will be able to look past my stumble... I will be sure to improve my public speaking skills for the future!

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