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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal 28 -- May 28th Post

Following my last journal post, after I quickly introduce what Behavioral Economics is as well as Systems 1 and 2, that’s when I’ll transition to talking about the specific COVID-19 connection.

Since this connection is the bulk of my podcast, I’ll need to organize my thoughts and create a narrative while I navigate this topic.

As of right now, I think the best way to do this is after I introduce Systems 1 and 2, I introduce the concepts that I’ve talked about in previous journals and explain how they relate to COVID-19 and briefly Systems 1 and 2 (after all, we don’t want this podcast to turn into a “Systems 1 and 2 explanation”). These concepts can include the confirmation bias, halo effect, availability cascade, etc. (I guess the theme of these concepts would be biases?)

After that, I think I will switch to a more public policy aspect in regards to COVID-19 and Behavioral Economics. This will be somewhat similar to the data privacy law I wrote for my March SDA, but it obviously won’t be as in-depth. So basically after identifying/explaining the ideas/concepts of BE in the previous sections, I’ll then be explaining how we can use these ideas to our advantage to combat this pandemic; this will be the public policy aspect of this podcast.

After the public policy aspect, I’m not sure what else there is to talk about, so I hope by that point my podcast will be long enough hahahaha

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© 2019 by Alan Wang, a student at Guilderland High School 

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