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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal 21 -- April 16th Post

For this journal, I thought I’d give some quick updates on what I plan to do for my April interview/SDA.

So firstly, I’m definitely doing an interview. In these past two years of my time at EMC, I’ve never reached out to a professional before. I’ve always just kind of been doing my own thing and theorizing on my own, so I think it’d be a great opportunity to finally get some input on my topic from professionals in the field.

Since I’ll be going to Pomona College in the fall, I thought it would be cool to reach out over email (because of COVID-19…) and make some early contact with the faculty there. Turns out, however, there aren’t currently any behavioral economists on the faculty… But, I did find a professor at the University of Oregon, Dr. John A. Clithero, who was once an assistant professor at Pomona relatively recently, and graduated from there himself.

Dr. Clithero will be the first one I reach out to, and hopefully he’ll respond quickly! (I’m hoping that he is homebound with some extra time on his hands hahaha).

Regardless of who I contact, these are the questions I’ll be asking:

  1. To my knowledge, Dr. Daniel Kahneman is seen as one of the “fathers of Behavioral Economics.” Are there any works of his that have influenced you a lot? For example, a theory that you agree immensely with.

  2. Contrary to the previous question, are there any of Kahneman’s work (or another famous behavioral economist such as Dr. Richard Thaler) that you disagree with? Or perhaps more broadly, are there any theories of yours that potentially may go more against the grain in the Behavioral Economics community?

  3. What do you love most about Behavioral Economics, or more loosely, the academic fields that study the world of humans and our decision-making?

  4. Where do you immediately see promise in the application of Behavioral Economics in other fields? I ask this because I recently wrote a “law,” attempting to apply some BE concepts in a public policy setting (which I can send to you if you’d like).

  5. Is there anything else you’d like to include about the field of Behavioral Economics as a whole?

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