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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal Five -- October SDA Plans

After doing some research, I decided that I want to test the “Florida Effect” (priming) on GHS students (relates to System 1). I briefly read the original research paper and tried my best to emulate their procedures.

Instead of 30 five-word groups, I only created 5 because they are actually pretty hard to create (see bottom of this post for what I have so far). Also, instead of a “neutral” theme, I tried to create a “young” theme in order to further exaggerate the effect on walking speed. I’ll have to check with Bott if there could be some source of experimental error there.

To begin, I plan on leading the subjects to the farthest corner to the door of a library classroom, and like the real experiment, I will falsely explain to the subjects that the goal of this experiment is to investigate language use or something along those lines. Of course, the real experiment involves me timing how long it takes each person to walk from the library classroom corner to the exit door. Hopefully this works out well!

5-word groups:

Neutral/Young Sentences:

- He finds it instantly yellow

- She was very hyper excited

- He played many games hours

- She spoke it assertively loudly

- He trick-or-treats too very much

Old Sentences

- He lived in Florida Arizona

- She is very forgetful tired

- His head was bald shaky

- Her skin was wrinkled thin

- His hair turned gray wispy

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