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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal Eighteen -- First (late) April Journal

So I was supposed to write a journal for April 2nd, but I forgot and now it’s April 5th… Better late than never I suppose.

The truth is with this quarantine going on, my motivation to do school-related work is going down. I have a lot more time to enjoy things I haven’t been able to for the past 2 years like sleeping more, learning to drive, hanging out with friends on xbox, etc. So for EMC right now, I’m a bit at a standstill. I think I’ll still be putting time into EMC, but the problem is I’m not sure where to go from where I’m at right now. I think I’ll talk to Bott about it over Google Meets soon.

But for the time being, I’ve found a paper that I will definitely read by my next scheduled journal post for this Thursday. Here is the link. It’s another similar paper that I used as a source for my last SDA talking about Behavioral Economics and Law, but I don’t think it’s nearly as complicated, which will hopefully make it easier for me to understand. I only scratched the surface of this new intersection in my last SDA, so hopefully I can gain more insight about it by reading this paper.

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