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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal Eleven -- December SDA Reflection

1) What did I do to succeed with this task?

2) How did I overcome the challenges I faced?

3) Did I meet my own standards for a quality product?

4) What do I still need to work on?

5) How might I do it differently?

1. I planned my experiment out ahead of time such that I would have all my data ready by the time I created my HyperDoc Presentation. This way, I would only have to analyze it instead of scrambling to even get my data collected. Also, when reading Thinking, Fast and Slow, I took down many notes and examples so when I created my presentation, I was able to quickly recall information and synthesize it into my own narrative.

2. I overcame the challenges I faced by getting into my early decision school, Pomona College! This gave me more time than anticipated to work on my SDA. On a more serious note though, I was able to overcome the time management issue by doing a little bit of work everyday, as much as I could. As a result, I had less to do during crunch time the day before the SDA was due.

3. For a rating out of 10, I give my product a solid 7.5. The presentation looked a lot nicer than I anticipated, but the concept as a whole wasn’t anything super groundbreaking. So in general, yes, I met my own standards—especially during this hectic time of also juggling college applications.

4. I still need to work on thinking harder and more critically. Like Mr. Bott told me in his feedback of my SDA, it was a good product, but I need to really start pushing the boundaries of my thinking and create a new theory of sorts, just like last year—but even more sophisticated. To do this, I will attempt to finish reading the rest of Thinking, Fast and Slow over the upcoming Christmas break.

5. Given the time constraint I had for most of December (including my All-State trip to Rochester), I don’t think there’s much I would’ve done differently, except perhaps manage my time just a little bit better. I ended up doing my entire presentation the day before after having the data compiled, which was not that fun to say the least. However, given the time constraint I mentioned earlier, there may not have been much to change anyways. But now that I have more time, I’ll hopefully be able to create more sophisticated SDAs.

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