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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal Seven -- November Journal 1: What? So What? Now What?

Based on the last ~20 pages I’ve read in Thinking, Fast and Slow, it appears that the effects of having cognitive ease in system 1 is wide-encompassing and frankly very shocking. Basically, Kahneman writes that “anything that reduces cognitive strain makes it appear more legitimate.” The examples he gave for this were having a stark color contrast between background and text, more legible, bolded font, using simpler language over harder words (e.g “erudite”), and having easier pronounced names! For instance, it was shown that when experiment participants had to evaluate the reports of two Turkish stock companies, the report of the company with the name easier to pronounce was actually held with more weight.

With these ideas in mind, the first thing I thought they could be used—or perhaps “weaponized”—for was advertising or even straight propaganda. Some companies or even large states (I’m looking at you China) are definitely utilizing these subtle techniques to reduce our cognitive strain and hence trick our system 1s into believing whatever they are spewing out. I can’t help but wonder that when these techniques become increasingly more sophisticated and being to garner more public attention, will they still be legal? Or is it the public’s responsibility to know what they are consuming, if they even care?

As I gain new insights about our human brains, my research appears to be leading me closer and closer to the decision-making that results from when these behaviors are triggered in system 1. I can sort-of visualize some of these systematic biases we would make as a result, especially in terms of economics—for example the ones made by CEOs of big companies. In order to get to that point ASAP, I’m planning on reading at least 10 pages of my book everyday (while taking notes). Hopefully by December, I will have a clear theory/idea about decision-making that I can test on my fellow GHS students.

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