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  • Writer's pictureAlan Wang

Journal Twelve -- Jan. 9 Midterm Planning Post

For the past 6 months now, I’ve been slowly chipping away at Thinking, Fast and Slow and I have around 80 pages left to read. Over the break, I was finally exposed to the really “economics” portion of this behavioral economics themed book. This means that Kahneman started describing experiments and examples that often involved risky behaviors in gamble-like scenarios. For example, if you have a 90% chance to win 100 dollars or a 100% chance to win 80, which would you choose? As it turns out, humans seek and avoid risk depending on the scenario, as shown in a diagram Kahneman calls the “fourfold pattern.” As of right now, this is the “main idea” that I want to present for the January midterm. However, like Mr. Bott and I discussed today in our meeting, the question is what do I want to say about that idea, and what is that key takeaway or “so what” (why it matters). I still have to think about that over this weekend.

One idea is to involve the planning fallacy somehow because most of the judges will be teachers, and discussing my ideas in an educational context could resonate stronger with them. But I think I will do some of my own research/brainstorming this weekend to see if I can come up with any new examples.

Lastly, I still have to consider the visual aid portion of this project. Like Mr. Bott said, “taking the L” for the visual portion of the midterm might be a possibility because I can always rely on the good ol’ trifold. If I have time, I will try to branch beyond that. But senioritis might make that a bit challenging… we’ll have to see!

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